Going AOT: Everything you need to know about GraalVM for Java applications
Krakow, Poland, 19 - 21 June 2024
Talks grouped by Track
All aspects of Java as a platform: emerging or established, Java language, JVM (languages), JDK, JVM, GC, frameworks, standards, performance, etc.
Go-like channels for Java using Project Loom
Hunting with Stream Gatherers in Java
Is GraalVM the cure for serverless Java's ills?
Is Loom really the future of enterprise Java?
Is your JVM app flying blind? Unmask hidden issues with Observability superpowers!
Java on AWS - all the details that matter
Know your Java?
Let's look under the hood - Netty and WebSockets
Locks, monitors and atomics in JVM
Logging Considered Harmful?
Making A Complex Task Easy with OpenTelemetry Automatic Instrumentation
Micronaut 4 Hands-On Lab
Project Panama. Building a better Java ecosystem with native code.
STM and Structured Concurrency – The Battle of Multithreading Dragons
The First 80% of Reading One Billion Rows Really Fast
Unleash the power of your applications with Micronaut and GraalVM
Why You Should Use Quarkus For Your Next Project
The list of talks is not complete yet.
We are in the middle of accepting talks and list will be updated daily.