A million orange sticky notes later
Krakow, Poland, 19 - 21 June 2024
Talks grouped by Track
Personal development, leadership, communication, negotiation, mental health, diversity, inclusion, developer culture, etc.
Bumpy 12 Months Path to Transform Team of Mercenaries Into Product Mindset Team in Xapo Bank, the first licensed bank for Bitcoiners, by Bitcoiners
Can you really hack your mind? Scams, overblown claims and actual ways to make your brain work better
Code and Comedy: Lessons from Tech Management and Improv Acting
Coding Fast and Slow: Applying Kahneman's Insights to Improve Development Practices and Efficiency
Do you want to work in a cool place...? I have for you a few things that might help.
Dropbox meetup
Hybrid heroes: How to build cross-functional, hybrid teams that Get tech stuff done.
Jak zabezpieczyć dom i rodzinę na wypadek kryzysu
O czym mówię, kiedy mówię o bieganiu.
Subiektywnie o liderach w IT
The Power of quiet engineers.
The Real DDD: Delusion-Driven Development
Umiejętności miękkie Storming Troopera
Unmasking social debt: The silent threat to your team's success
Women in Tech Breakfast hosted by Google
The list of talks is not complete yet.
We are in the middle of accepting talks and list will be updated daily.